MongoDB: Step-3: Mongo Client Commands

Sarada Sastri
8 min readFeb 16, 2020


Step3-Mongo Client commands

Introduces you to Mongo-Shell and the most commonly used Mongo commands.

Mongo Shell

Mongo Shell is a javascript interpreter that interactively connects to the mongo server and helps you interactively talk to your mongo server. i.e. the command on it does not finish but you can write the next command which can use the scripting set before it.

The shell is therefore used to

  1. Connect to MongoDB and fire the DML queries
  2. Do administrative tasks

Connecting without specifying a database

If you connect to mongo without specifying the database your will land in the test database

Customizing the shell prompt

You can reset the value of the prompt variable


Display your current database


Get the current database version


Get help with all options on db

Displays all the options on db command

List other databases

show databases
show dbs

Create a new database

Use <non-existing-database>
use trainingDB1

Switching to different database

use trainingDB

Creating a collection

A collection is similar to a table in RDBMS.

db.emp.insert({“_id”:1, “fname”:”John”, “lname”:”Smith”})

Listing all the data in the collections


Finding all matching data

Let's add some more data

db.emp.insert({“_id”:1, “fname”:”John”, “lname”:”Doe”})
db.emp.insert({“_id”:1, “fname”:”Joseph”, “lname”:”King”})

Finding anyone matching data


Finding matching data with more than one criteria

db.emp.findOne({“fname”:”John”, “lname”:”Doe”})

Primary Key

_id is a mandatory attribute for every mongo document. You can specify your custom value for _id. You can use any data type for _id. You cannot use array for _id.

db.emp.insert({ “fname”:”Jack”, “lname”:”Jill”})

Here since we did not provide a custom _id value, mongo provided its own _id value of the type ObjectId

ObjectId internally stores the timestamp, so when a new document is created, it is appended at the end and mongo does not spend time in finding the correct place for insertion. Using ObjectId() as the _id speeds up the inserts. But using a custom unique value as the _id can speed up the reads though.


Object() is a function in mongo shell that will give you a new ObjectId every time and you can query the ObjectId to give you the timestamp when it was created


Full Update

prompt> db.<collection>.update(<matching-query>, <update>,<optional-options>)



  1. The update only updated one document randomly though 2 documents match the query criteria
  2. The update actually slapped the new document over the old one removing the other attributes already present. So this is not an incremental update it is an override update
db.emp.update({“fname”:”John”},{“dept”:10}, true)

Incremental update — Add a new attribute to an existing document



  1. This time the dept attribute got added to the existing document. It was not a full replacement of the document

Incremental update — Remove the attribute from the existing document


Updating many documents


All documents matching the query are updated to have the new attribute dept

Array — Push

db.emp.update({“fname”:”Joseph”}, {$push:{“Address”:”London”}})

A new array “Address” got created on the fly with the only value “London”.

Another address “India” got added to the existing array.

db.emp.update({“fname”:”Joseph”}, {$push:{“Address”:”India”}})

Push “India” one more time.

db.emp.update({“fname”:”Joseph”}, {$push:{“Address”:”India”}})

The value India got duplicated inside the array

Array — Pull

Remove all addresses of India.

db.emp.update({“fname”:”Joseph”}, {$pull:{“Address”:”India”}})

Array -Add only if value not existing

db.emp.update({“fname”:”Joseph”}, {$pull:{“Address”:”India”}})

This time since India already existed, it did not add another duplicate value

Find Command

The command provides for matching and selecting the required attributes from the collection and returns a cursor.

prompt>db.emp.find({<matching-query>}, {<projection>})


To display a field as a result, the project value should be 1.

To stop the display of the field, the project value should be 0

_id field is always displayed by default when it is not needed it has to be switched off explicitly with “_id:0", as you will see in the examples to follow.

db.emp.find({“fname”:”John”}, {“_id”: 1})

Observe: It shows only the _id field.

db.emp.find({“fname”:”John”}, {“fname”: 1})

Observe: Shows the fname field only & _id by default

db.emp.find({“fname”:”John”}, {“fname”: 1, “_id”:0})

Observe: Shows only fname field, _id is not displayed

db.emp.find({“fname”:”John”}, {“fname”: 1, “dept”:0, “_id”:0})

Observe: Mongo does not allow mixing of inclusion and exclusion choice for non “_id” fields

Query Criteria operators

$in, $nin, $gt, $lt, $gte,$lte,

Let’s add the address London to all the John records

db.emp.updateMany({“fname”:”John”}, {$push:{“Address”:”London”}})

Using $in

db.emp.find({“Address”: {$in:[“London”]}}, {_id:0})

Using $all

Get records where Address has both India and London

db.emp.find({“Address”: {$all:[“London”, “India”]}}, {_id:0})

Using $nin

Insert one more record with an address as Sweden.

db.emp.insert({“fname”:”Jane”, “Address”: {$push:[“Sweden”]} })

Get all records where the address is not in India or London

db.emp.find({“Address”: {$nin:[“London”, “India”]}}, {_id:0})


You can see a pretty format of the document by using the pretty() notation


Adding subDocuments

Let’s insert one subdocument for some additional details

 db.emp.update({“fname”:”Jane”}, {$set:{“additionalDetails”: {“qualification”:”MCA”,”passionateAbout”:”innovation” }}})db.emp.update({“fname”:”John”}, {$set:{“additionalDetails”: {”passionateAbout”:”photography” ,“qualification”:”MCA”,}}})

Querying subDocuments using Dot Notation

Get all documents where qualification is MCA

db.emp.find({“additionalDetails.qualification”: “MCA”}, {fname:1, _id:0}).pretty()
db.emp.find({“additionalDetails.passionateAbout”: “innovation”}, {fname:1, _id:0}).pretty()

Querying for Null values

Let’s add one more document

db.emp.insert({“id”:5, “fname”:”Emily”, “additionalDetails”:null})db.emp.find({“additionalDetails”:null},{“fname”:1, additionalDetails:1})

Observe: This got documents where additionalDetails is null & documents which don’t have additionalDetails

Exists Operator for Query

To get only documents where the additionalDetails subDocument does not exist

db.emp.find({“additionalDetails”:{$exists:false}},{“fname”:1, additionalDetails:1})

Observe: Now we get the list of only those documents which don’t exist.

$gt and $lt for date fields

db.emp.insert({“id”:6, ”updatedTime”: ISODate()})

Remove documents



This function returns the dateTime in shell


DateTime attribute

Add updateTime to all documents in the DB

db.emp.updateMany({}, {$set: {“updatedTime”: ISODate()}})
db.emp.update({_id: 1}, {$set: {“updatedTime”: ISODate()}})

Display documents after a specific time

"updatedTime" : {"$gte": ISODate("2020-01-26T06:30:50.048Z")}

Display documents before a specific time

"updatedTime" : {"$lt": ISODate("2020-01-26T06:30:50.048Z")}


You can sort the query data using the dot notation

"updatedTime" : {"$lt": ISODate("2020-01-26T06:30:50.048Z")}

Observe: We are able to sort on updateTime which is not part of the projected fields. It means the sort worked before the project was worked on.


You can specify the number of records you need from the query

"updatedTime" : {"$lt": ISODate("2020-01-26T06:30:50.048Z")}


You can skip a few records before you can get the next stream of data. This can be used for pagination on the server-side

"updatedTime" : {"$lt": ISODate("2020-01-26T06:30:50.048Z")}

Advanced commands

Above was just an introduction to the most commonly used commands. There are a lot more commands at the disposal of mongo. For a detailed glossary of command check The help is elaborate with various examples, easy to grasp & exhaustive.

Aggregate Pipeline

Mongo offers Aggregation via the use of “map-reduce” function and “Aggregation-Pipeline”

The aggregation pipeline is a framework for data aggregation modeled on the concept of data processing pipelines. Documents enter a multi-stage pipeline that transforms the documents into aggregated results.

You can mix, match and repeat several stages to come up with meaningful analytics of the data. Since the advent of the Aggregation Pipeline which is very intuitive, the use of the map-reduce way of aggregation has reduced drastically

Next Step4

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Sarada Sastri
Sarada Sastri

Written by Sarada Sastri

Java Architect | MongoDB | Oracle DB| Application Performance Tuning | Design Thinking |

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